Bernalillo County Presentation
JohnnyBoards Advertising for Social Marketing
The great thing about this media is that it’s an effective and affordable way to get in front of your target audience for an average of 2 minutes. The Unfair Advantage we offer is “No other media can be placed where it is truly unavoidable”. In most cases, people will see your message over and over throughout their visit to a JohnnyBoards venue.Because we are in washrooms, above water fountains and in waiting areas, you can target by gender, age, ethnicity and lifestyle.
Social marketing is one of our strengths having placed campaigns for domestic violence, immunization, prescription drug abuse, underage drinking awareness, DWI, stroke, gambling, food desert areas, STD, water conservation and many other social issues.
- Capability Statement
- SAMHSA Guidelines ( Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration )
- Proof of performance
- Agreement
- JB Dwell Times and Reach NEW!
- Current and previous PSA’s
- Mapping for growth/ effectiveness
- Data and mapping with assistance from NM Community Data Collaborative
- Bernco Mats webpage